RELEASE: What's New in Summer 2024
Provide a secure, reliable way to collaborate on DOCX files by integrating native DOCX editing into your web application. No more switching from Google to Microsoft Office, comparing edits between documents, or manually uploading and storing conflicting versions of files.
Save your changes in DOCX Editor confidently with ‘what you see is what you get’ word editing, knowing that formatting and styling stays consistent across Word processors. Easily personalize documents by changing font types, styles, sizes, and colors. Adjust text alignment, line spacing, and standardize headings within your document. Organize ideas with bullet points, numbered lists, or tables, just like in Microsoft Word.
Legal advisors track document changes to understand what edits were made, who made them, and when, bringing transparency and efficiency to the review process while eliminating the need to reload DOCX files or share changes via insecure methods such as email communications and attachments.
IT teams can reduce or eliminate the need for users to convert documents from one system to another while minimizing document formatting issues, information loss, and security concerns by using a single web application without server-side conversions.
Research papers, clinical studies, or policy handbooks requiring extensive revisions need multi-user accessibility that enables document collaborators to create and modify text, tables, and lists, ensuring all contributions are well-contextualized and maintain the right format.
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