RELEASE: What's New in Summer 2024

How to View XLSX in an Angular Web App

By Andrey Safonov | 2022 Jul 25

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Looking for an Angular XLSX file viewer? This blog shares how to view Microsoft Office documents in an Angular web app using Apryse’s WebViewer. WebViewer supports Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats and legacy formats like DOC, XLS, and PPT. 

We'll discuss how to view files client-side, with just a few lines of code, and without server dependencies, Microsoft Office licenses or third-party software. Apryse’s WebViewer directly converts DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX files using JavaScript and renders them for viewing dynamically.

Try our office demo to test WebViewer with your files.

Check out the full Angular doc viewer demo on our GitHub, or visit the documentation for get-started steps and further information on additional functionality. 

Additional Functionality

WebViewer supports more than just viewing Office documents, offering annotation, mail merge on XLSX templates, text editing, page manipulation, redaction, form filling and creation, and much more.

And WebViewer supports formats like PDF, images, videos, and CAD documents. 

How to View PPTX in an Angular Web App

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Step 1 - Get Started

Once the Angular doc viewer example is up and running, pass the URL, blob, file path, or arrayBuffer to initialDoc property in WebViewer constructor. 

Code Example for Angular Document Viewer

  initialDoc: '',
}, document.getElementById('viewer'));

You can also call loadDocument with the same parameters.

  .then(instance => {
    instance.UI.loadDocument('', { filename: 'myfile.xlsx' });

Step 2 - Run the App

You can now run the app via 'npm start'.

To view the npm Angular file viewer xlsx app, navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app automatically reloads if you change any of the source files.

A Customizable UI

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If you want to configure the UI, WebViewer comes with a rich set of APIs. To get an idea of the vast array of possibilities, check out the UI customization guide. You can also create your own UI by referencing our open-source UI code.


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Adding Office document viewing and collaboration to your native npm Angular file browser app is straightforward with Apryse’s WebViewer, a JavaScript-based MS Office SDK. Find the source code for this blog post on our GitHub.

See for yourself. Try out Apryse features using your own documents with the interactive demo at Apryse showcase.

Have any questions about Apryse’s SDK or WebViewer? Start a chat on Discord with our solutions engineers or reach out to our sales team for a personalized demo.

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Andrey Safonov

Director of Product

LinkedIn link

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