COMING SOON: Spring 2025 Release

Integrate Word Document Editing into any Web App

Apryse DOCX Editor lets users work with DOCX files that can be created, edited, and reviewed, just like they would in Microsoft Word.

Javascript DOCX Editor

Provide a secure, reliable way to collaborate on DOCX files by integrating native DOCX editing into your web application. No more switching from Google to Microsoft Office, comparing edits between documents, or manually uploading and storing conflicting versions of files.

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True WYSIWYG Word Editing

Save your changes in DOCX Editor confidently with ‘what you see is what you get’ word editing, knowing that formatting and styling stays consistent across Word processors. Easily personalize documents by changing font types, styles, sizes, and colors. Adjust text alignment, line spacing, and standardize headings within your document. Organize ideas with bullet points, numbered lists, or tables, just like in Microsoft Word.

Apryse DOCX Editor Use Cases

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Legal advisors track document changes to understand what edits were made, who made them, and when, bringing transparency and efficiency to the review process while eliminating the need to reload DOCX files or share changes via insecure methods such as email communications and attachments.

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IT teams can reduce or eliminate the need for users to convert documents from one system to another while minimizing document formatting issues, information loss, and security concerns by using a single web application without server-side conversions.

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Users exploring document formatting options can use the undo/redo feature to quickly return to an earlier version of content. This ensures that essential details, like entity names, dollar amounts, or legal terms, are preserved and accurate throughout the restructuring or recovery process.

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Undo/Redo Functionality

The new undo/redo function in the DOCX Editor enhances editing for time-sensitive workflows, allowing users to quickly adjust contracts, refine redlines, or edit financial data through intuitive navigation and keyboard shortcuts. This functionality, along with the track changes feature introduced earlier this year, allows both developers and users to modify document content and formatting confidently without the risk of making irreversible or time-consuming edits.