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Reducing Manual Errors with Document Processing SDKs

By Apryse | 2023 Sep 21

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5 min


Discover how industries such as legal, finance, banking, and healthcare can enhance accuracy and efficiency in document processing. Explore the advantages of adopting document/PDF SDKs for smarter business operations.


It’s no secret that data is at the heart of organizations across nearly every modern industry. However, the accuracy and efficiency of which this data is processed can be compromised by manual errors. These errors can lead to financial losses, compliance issues, poor customer experience, and reputational damage.

The solution to this challenge lies in the adoption of document processing tools like Software Development Kits (SDKs). In this blog, we will explore the far-reaching impact of errors in different industries, compare their prevalence, and demonstrate how you can enable your development team to implement document processing solutions with access to a complete library of SDKs. We will also provide practical steps on how to get started with these powerful tools.

The Effect of Errors

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Errors in data processing can have profound consequences, affecting organizations both financially and operationally. Let's delve into the repercussions of manual errors across various sectors.

Financial Services:

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In the financial services industry, manual errors can, as the name dictates, lead to substantial financial losses. Errors in data entry, calculation, or reporting can result in incorrect investment decisions, inaccurate financial statements, and compliance violations. For instance, a simple typo in a transaction amount can lead to millions in losses. Inaccurate financial reports can also lead to regulatory penalties and damage to the institution's reputation.


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In the legal sector, errors can be especially costly. Mistakes in contracts, legal documents, or case records can lead to lawsuits, contract disputes, and missed deadlines. Moreover, inaccuracies in legal research can undermine the strength of a case or legal argument. These repercussions can extend beyond monetary, and directly results in major social or personal consequences. Legal professionals must invest significant time and effort in reviewing and correcting errors, diverting resources from more valuable tasks.

To learn how automated document generation technology can mitigate errors, visit our blog.


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Government agencies deal with a vast amount of data daily, ranging from citizen records to regulatory documents. Manual errors in these documents can lead to incorrect benefits distribution, tax collection issues, and data breaches. Public trust can erode quickly if government agencies are perceived as unreliable or error prone.


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Errors in healthcare can have life-threatening consequences. Inaccurate patient records, prescriptions, or billing information can lead to misdiagnoses, incorrect treatments, and billing disputes. Moreover, compliance with healthcare regulations, such as HIPAA in the United States, is essential, and errors can result in significant fines.

Construction and Engineering:

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In the construction and engineering sectors, errors can lead to project delays, budget overruns, and safety hazards. Mistakes in blueprints, specifications, or calculations can result in costly rework, accidents, and damage to a company's reputation. Precision is essential to ensure that buildings and infrastructure are safe and meet regulatory standards.


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In the pharmaceutical industry, errors can jeopardize patient safety and regulatory compliance. Errors in drug labeling, manufacturing records, or clinical trial data can lead to product recalls, regulatory warnings, and legal action. Ensuring the accuracy of data in drug development and manufacturing processes is crucial for public health and corporate integrity.

How SDKs Can Help

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Document Processing SDKs like Apryse's offer a transformative solution to mitigate errors in data processing across these diverse industries. Here's how:

Financial Services:

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  • Automated Data Entry: SDKs automate data extraction from financial documents, reducing manual data entry errors.
  • Validation and Verification: They ensure accuracy by validating extracted data against predefined rules and formats.
  • Error Handling: SDKs can handle errors gracefully, providing reports for quick resolution.


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  • Document Parsing: SDKs can parse legal documents, extracting essential information accurately.
  • Reduction in Research Errors: Advanced search capabilities help legal professionals find information with precision, reducing errors in legal research.
  • Error Alerts: SDKs can alert users to potential discrepancies in contracts or documents.


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  • Data Standardization: SDKs standardize data, reducing inconsistencies and errors in records and reports.
  • Document Classification: They can automatically classify documents, ensuring that sensitive information is handled appropriately.
  • Efficiency and Accuracy: Government agencies can process documents faster and with greater accuracy, enhancing service delivery.


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  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs): SDKs can accurately populate EHRs, reducing errors in patient records.
  • Billing Accuracy: They ensure billing information is correct, minimizing disputes and compliance issues.
  • Privacy Compliance: SDKs help healthcare organizations comply with data privacy regulations by accurately handling patient data.

Construction and Engineering:

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  • Blueprint Processing: SDKs can extract data from blueprints and specifications, reducing errors in project planning.
  • Quality Control: They assist in quality control by verifying calculations and ensuring compliance with standards.
  • Safety Compliance: SDKs help ensure that safety protocols are followed, reducing the risk of accidents.


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  • Manufacturing Records: SDKs automate the extraction and verification of manufacturing data, reducing errors in drug production.
  • Labeling Accuracy: They ensure accurate drug labeling, minimizing regulatory compliance issues.
  • Clinical Trial Data: SDKs enhance the accuracy of clinical trial data, reducing the risk of regulatory penalties.

How to Get Started

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Implementing Document Processing SDKs is a strategic move toward reducing manual errors and improving efficiency in data processing. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

1. Identify Your Industry Needs: Understand the specific data processing challenges and errors prevalent in your industry. Identify critical documents and data points that require automation.

2. Choose the Partner: Select a suite of documents processing SDKs that aligns with your industry's requirements and integrates seamlessly with your existing software applications.

Apryse offers comprehensive mobile, web, and server SDKs, as well as a suite of other document processing tools | Try them HERE

3. Data Source Integration: Integrate the SDK with your data sources, ensuring that it can access and process the necessary documents effectively.

4. Customize and Configure: Customize the SDK to meet your industry-specific needs. Configure it to extract, validate, and verify data accurately.

5. Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test the SDK's performance and accuracy. Validate its results against manual processing to ensure consistency.

6. Training and Adoption: Train your team on how to use the SDK effectively. Encourage adoption to maximize the benefits of error reduction.

7. Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor the SDK's performance and address any issues promptly. Keep the SDK up to date to adapt to evolving industry requirements.


In a world where data is the cornerstone of decision-making, reducing manual errors in data processing is paramount. Document Processing SDKs, such as Apryse's, offer a powerful solution to mitigate errors across diverse industries, including Financial Services, Legal, Government, Healthcare, Construction and Engineering, and Pharma. By automating data extraction, validation, and verification processes, SDKs enhance accuracy, efficiency, and compliance.

As an organization, you have the opportunity to drive transformative change in your industry by leveraging these SDKs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start your journey toward error reduction and enhanced data processing capabilities. Embrace Document Processing SDKs, and you'll be at the forefront of industry innovation, ensuring precision and reliability in an increasingly data-driven world.

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