COMING SOON: Spring 2025 Release
By Apryse | 2021 Jul 07
3 min
Whether sharing documents with companies, clients, or co-workers, the standard is the Portable Document Format (PDF).
A PDF file is independently functioning, and doesn’t rely on any particular browser, hardware, or operating system to view. As long as the user has a PDF reader installed, the file opens with a fixed layout format—preserving the document's original intended appearance across different screens.
If you haven't worked with PDF much or feel a little behind the curve when it comes to PDF technology, this guide is for you! While Apryse is a leader in high-volume document automation, document processing, and document & digital content collaboration, we also pride ourselves on being influencers in the PDF space.
From producing brochures and catalogs to encrypted and e-signed documents, knowing how to create a PDF document from scratch benefits you regardless of your industry or the material you are creating.
Following a moderate overview of why PDFs are useful and versatile for many applications, we examine several ways to create a PDF file from scratch. By the end of this article, you can create a PDF form or document effortlessly.
Scroll to the end of this post to create your own PDF file.
It's safe to say that at one time or another, anyone with a computer has worked with a PDF file. Whether working in an office environment, opening a bank statement, filling out an application, or sending and receiving invoices—it's almost a given you've touched a PDF document. The beauty of the PDF comes from its reliability and versatility across different platforms.
A PDF file displays in identical fashion regardless if on a tablet, Android, Mac, or any other digital device. This is why loan lenders and banks use PDF for entire transactions, in addition to PDF's rich and interactive form, digital signature, and data capture capabilities. In any career field, PDF is a valuable, reliable, accessible file format for sharing and creating digital documents.
Learning how to create and save files as a PDF advances your workflow and productivity. PDF files support many different graphical features and contain useful capabilities, such as enabling interactive and collaborative processes (like reviews and approvals), measurement/estimates, and printing processes, on various documents and collateral types. Almost any file type can be converted to PDF!
If you aren’t sure what a PDF file does or why a PDF form is the best selection for your needs, here are some benefits. Each attribute plays a role in making this file format a long-term, standardized, and compatible document choice.
Anyone can create a PDF document quickly and easily using accessible, web-based tools. For example, offers a basic toolkit for everyday business users to convert and manipulate their documents in a variety of formats right in their browsers. You can even convert a PDF file back into other formats for further processing/editing.
If you’re a developer, you can consider Apryse WebViewer. This JavaScript library will embed in your web application to let your users convert and view MS Office files (Word, Excel, & PowerPoint) directly in-browser, no additional server component required. In other words, you will not need to install MS Office, LibreOffice, or any other third-party software.
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