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How Apryse WebViewer Enhances Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

By Nikki Manthey | 2024 Mar 28

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Summary: Interprofessional collaboration in healthcare offers a wide range of benefits including improved patient outcomes. However, document-related challenges like prompt access to medical records, lengthy review time, and errors can make effective collaboration difficult. Learn how Apryse WebViewer helps distributed healthcare teams collaborate better, simplify documentation, and increase patient safety.

In an interconnected digital world, patient health isn’t the job of a single practitioner or provider. Excellent healthcare now typically involves a whole team of professionals from multiple disciplines.

Interprofessional collaboration offers a wide range of benefits, including improved patient outcomes, faster treatment initiation, and bringing together many perspectives to provide a higher standard of care. However, increasing the number of professionals on a patient’s care team can also result in document-related collaboration roadblocks like timely access to patient info and medical records, lengthy reviews, potential privacy issues, and errors due to miscommunication.

Read on to learn how Apryse WebViewer can help multidisciplinary healthcare teams collaborate more effectively, simplify document workflows and review processes, increase patient safety, and improve quality of care.

The Role of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

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Before the COVID-19 pandemic, interprofessional collaboration was accepted as a best practice. However, it became critical for patient safety during the pandemic. Ongoing staffing shortages meant that everyone had to take an active role in patient care.

Now, healthcare systems are establishing frameworks to retain the benefits of interprofessional collaboration. Here’s a quick look at some of those benefits:

Minimize medical errors: An estimated 7 million Americans are affected by medical errors every year. Close coordination enables healthcare professionals to efficiently identify and address potential patient safety issues, especially in critical areas like medication management and transfer.

Improve patient outcomes: Multidisciplinary collaboration enables practitioners to address all aspects of a patient’s condition and coordinate to implement the most effective treatment plan.

Initiate treatment faster: In healthcare, every second counts. Delays in communication between healthcare professionals can mean delays in treatment. Digital collaboration tools and electronic health records (EHRs) can expedite communication and reduce wait times.

Lighten the administrative load: Healthcare professionals can spend up to 38% of the work week on documentation and other admin duties. Interprofessional collaboration streamlines communication and document workflows between professionals by eliminating redundant, repetitive, or unnecessary tasks.

Learn how document generation technology can improve patient care. Read the blog.

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What is Apryse WebViewer?

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Apryse WebViewer is a JavaScript document SDK (software development kit) that enables you to render, convert, edit, annotate, and collaborate in real-time on PDFs, Office documents, images, and more in one customizable tool.

As the name suggests, WebViewer is usually embedded in web applications, meaning you don’t have to download any extra software to use it. It’s compatible with all developer frameworks and browsers, so it works on the devices medical teams are already using. Plus, it supports 30+ file formats, making it easy to share different types of patient health info.

Check out this video to learn more about what WebViewer can do.

How Apryse WebViewer Enhances Healthcare Collaboration

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As you can see in the video above, WebViewer is a pretty powerful and useful tool. But how can it help healthcare professionals collaborate more effectively? Let’s dive in.

Bring it All Together: Simultaneous Viewing and Annotation

When it comes to solving problems, two heads are usually better than one. This is also true when addressing complex medical challenges. WebViewer allows all pertinent patient info to easily be shared with members of the medical team, who can then provide their feedback and recommendations at the same time. No need to wait for one provider to be done with a file before another person can access it.

Real-time annotation also helps improve patient safety, since healthcare professionals can immediately flag any potential areas of concern like errors in medication dosage, or raise critical questions during patient handoff or transfer.

Timely Treatment and Review: Real-Time Cross-Platform Collaboration

Medical situations often unfold in real-time, so the ability for healthcare providers to quickly coordinate is essential. Since WebViewer is web-based, important patient info can be securely shared in real-time, and instantly viewed on a wide range of devices including mobile, PC, and desktop.

Providers also have the ability to directly update EHRs using WebViewer’s editing features, and easily highlight specific information for other healthcare professionals. All these changes are visible immediately, which helps speed up document review. Keeping patient records up to date in real-time enables providers to make informed decisions and initiate treatment faster.

Get All the Details: High-Fidelity Image Rendering

Sometimes a picture really can be worth a thousand words. CT scans, MRIs, x-rays, mammograms, ultrasounds, and more play a vital role in patient diagnosis and treatment. However, these files are often large – a single CT scan can reach up to 30 MB. File compression can result in a loss of image detail, which is less than ideal when multiple providers are collaborating from different facilities (or even different continents).

WebViewer’s high-fidelity rendering capabilities help ensure all parties get a clear picture of their patient down to the last detail, contributing to a more accurate diagnosis and better health outcome.

Protect Patient Privacy: Access Control and Redaction

Effective interprofessional collaboration depends on the ability to easily share patient details. However, providers must still follow laws and regulations like HIPAA in the US and PIPEDA in Canada.

WebViewer makes protecting privileged patient data simple and compliant. Intuitive access control means only authorized parties can access EHRs and other patient information. You can also ensure that practitioners and other healthcare professionals only have access to essential relevant documents without exposing other confidential information.

In addition, securely and permanently redacting data in WebViewer is as easy as drawing a black box in a document. Plus, you can redact information across a large volume of EHRs and other documents with automation.

Want to learn more about document SDKs for digital healthcare? Get your copy of our eBook now.

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Add Apryse WebViewer to Your Healthcare Toolkit Today

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Ready to enhance collaboration between multidisciplinary teams and improve patient outcomes? Start a 30-day trial of WebViewer today. Or, if you’d like to try out WebViewer’s features yourself, head over to the showcase.

Be sure to also check out other Apryse document processing solutions for healthcare. And feel free to get in touch with our team if you’ve got questions or would like more information. We’re always happy to help.

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Nikki Manthey

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