RELEASE: What's New in Summer 2024

Three Ways Apryse IDP Modernizes Public Workflows

By Riley Kooh | 2024 Apr 13

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A recent Ernst & Young study indicates that up to 70% of citizens find technology enhances public service relations. It’s studies like this that are making it more and more clear that not only is digital transformation the future of many public services; it also has a substantial place in today’s best practices.

And at the foundation of every public-school curriculum, utility form, train ticket, and everything in between, lies a massive library of documents. So, with billions of digital documents being generated, edited, reviewed, signed, and more every day – how can we as a workforce be expected to handle this efficiently? Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) offers a solution.

What is IDP?

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Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is a technology-driven approach that combines various techniques such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and machine learning to automate the extraction, interpretation, and processing of data from documents.

Want to learn more about IDP concepts? Check out our documentation here. 

In this blog, we’re going to dig into exactly how Apryse solutions utilize their latest version of IDP to improve public service offerings around the world. Let’s dig in.

1. Tax Documents and Benefits Management

Tax documents are a critical component of government operations, impacting revenue collection and benefit disbursement. However, manual processing of tax documents can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to inaccuracies and delays in benefit delivery. Apryse IDP V2 offers advanced data extraction capabilities, precisely analyzing intricate document structures such as tax forms and financial statements.

By automating the extraction process, Apryse IDP significantly reduces the risk of errors and ensures compliance with tax regulations via the built-in parameters. Government agencies can streamline tax document processing, leading to faster benefit calculations, accurate tax collection, and improved citizen satisfaction.

2. Permits and Licenses Processing

The processing of permits and licenses for both recreational and commercial applications is essential to economic activity and citizen engagement. However, traditional paper-based systems can lead to delays and inefficiencies in processing applications. IDP introduces refined form processing capabilities, enabling automatic extraction of labels and content from non-interactive PDFs.

This breakthrough eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the processing time for permits and licenses. Government agencies can leverage Apryse IDP to expedite application review processes, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance transparency in permit issuance.

3. Service Delivery Optimization

Efficient service delivery is essential for government agencies to meet the needs of citizens effectively. However, legacy systems and complex document workflows can hinder the delivery of critical services. Apryse IDP offers automation capabilities that streamline document creation, conversion, and extraction processes, improving overall efficiency in service delivery.

By automating document workflows, Apryse IDP enables government agencies to provide timely and accurate services to citizens, enhancing the overall citizen experience. From document generation to data extraction, Apryse IDP empowers public sector organizations to optimize their operations and deliver superior services to constituents.


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As public sector organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, IDP solutions from vendors like Apryse stand as a powerful tool, providing the capabilities needed to modernize document management workflows and meet the evolving needs of citizens. By leveraging Apryse IDP, government agencies can unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation, driving positive outcomes for both agencies and the communities they serve.

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Riley Kooh

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