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Apryse: The Premier PDF SDK Provider

By Kristen Warner | 2023 Jul 13

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3 min

Okay, now that you’re here, I have a confession: the whole premier PDF SDK provider title isn’t really a thing — I just couldn’t pass the opportunity for a solid alliteration. The truth is, we are the best provider out there. Technically, I think the actual title is The Top PDF SDK according to SourceForge, and if you ask the folks at Slashdot, they will tell you we are the Best PDF SDK, but you get the point: When it comes to PDF SDKs, we’ve earned the title as number one. This blog will tell you why.

Yes, this article was written by a marketer; however, you won’t find any marketing jargon, fluff, or jabs at other vendors — just some good ol’ fashion information sharing. Here’s the only pitch: This blog outlines the areas you can’t overlook when selecting a PDF SDK vendor. There is no settling here. If you do, you risk delayed roadmaps, lost revenue, grumpy developers, and unhappy customers. Apryse leads all of the areas — and no, I didn’t just pick out our strengths and ignore our weaknesses. We lead all of these areas because we’ve been in the game for nearly three decades — that’s almost as long as the PDF has existed, FYI. We've done the research, iterated, and failed to get to this point, and the result is the best PDF SDK on the market.

Now, Let’s dive in...

What Makes Our PDF SDK the Best?

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Rendering Quality

Rendering quality is crucial for accurate and visually appealing document display. High rendering quality accurately reproduces fonts, images, formatting, and layout, maintaining the integrity of complex documents, including CAD, high-resolution imaging for healthcare, and detailed images for insurance and media profiles. A reliable Document SDK with excellent rendering quality enhances clarity, readability, and precision, leading to user satisfaction and facilitating seamless document processing and collaboration.


It is crucial to avoid introducing potential security loopholes through the SDK’s dependencies and limitations; even with a trustworthy vendor, third-party dependencies and mandatory server-side security processes can pose additional security concerns. Determine if the SDK source code is forked from open-source or proprietary to the vendor. If forked, assess the number of vulnerabilities in the library and consider the active development of the SDK and maintenance frequency.


When selecting an SDK, it is essential to consider the long-term roadmap for your internal tool or SaaS product. As switching costs grow over time, scaling into new functionalities can become more costly if the chosen SDK does not support them from the beginning. Ensure that the overall SDK package is suitable for your future support, performance, and user experience needs. Open-source viewers are not optimized to scale infinitely, and you want to ensure that they don’t have server dependencies for the best performance. By choosing an SDK that has all your needs in mind, you can avoid the need for switching or adding another vendor to fill gaps as your offering scales.


To maximize your ROI and ensure a successful SDK purchase, prioritizing an exceptional developer experience is crucial, especially with open-source SDKs. Test the speed at which your developers can set up initial proofs of concepts (POCs) and customize code samples for representative projects. Evaluate the availability of customizable code samples, get-started guides, cookbooks, blogs, video tutorials, and sample apps for easy testing and MVP creation. Additionally, consider the intuitiveness of the documentation and the responsiveness and expertise of support engineers, as they significantly contribute to accelerated time to market and overall success.

Stability and Performance

For internal tools, an SDK should provide a great user experience with stability and optimal performance. Performance can vary based on server-side dependencies and code quality, so it’s essential to compare relevant use cases. Remember that it’s not only about milliseconds; applications that don’t work as intended, lag, exhibit unintuitive behavior, or have other performance and UX issues can cause users to revert to old ways or suffer from the same inefficiency.

Now, these are the crucial areas to focus on, but we know a lot more goes into selecting an SDK Vendor. We’ve outlined all the pre-purchase considerations in our latest buying guide.


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Not a pitch but rather a call to action and depending on where you’re at in your PDF SDK journey, we have a few options for you:

1. You could read about why leading organizations like Dropbox trust Apryse.

2. You could play around with our demo environment.

3. You could trial our solution.

4. You could book a call with a real human.

Oh, and if you’re really into comparing feature sets, be sure to check out our PDF SDK Vendor Comparison.

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Kristen Warner

Director of Brand and Communications

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