Unlock the Power of Direct PDF Editing with WebViewer 10.7

Unlocking the Future of Finance with Apryse WebViewer 

By Apryse | 2023 Oct 26

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The digitization of modern businesses has changed the way we think about document handling, especially on the global scale. However, it brings inherent risks, especially in managing digital customer documents, a critical concern for financial institutions. WebViewer from Apryse offers a game-changing solution for this challenge. 

The Importance of Secure Document Handling 

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Before we dive into the specifics of Apryse WebViewer, let's take a moment to understand why secure document handling is of utmost importance in the financial sector. Any failure in this regard can expose you and your business to a number of risks: 

  • Compliance Issues: Mishandling important documents subject to regulations like Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) can result in compliance issues, risking fines and legal actions. 
  • Data Breaches: Data breaches can have significant financial and reputational repercussions. They may expose sensitive customer data to unauthorized parties, negatively impacting their customers’ livelihood and resulting in a loss of trust and damage to the institution's reputation. 
  • Errors in Financial Records: Improper document management can lead to errors in financial records, causing financial discrepancies, audits, and legal disputes. 
  • Reputation Damage: Mishandling documents can erode trust and damage an institution's reputation, potentially resulting in customer loss and harm to its image. 
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Delays in processing applications, inquiries, or claims due to inefficient document handling can lead to frustrated customers and higher operational costs. 

With these challenges in mind, let's explore how Apryse WebViewer is revolutionizing document processing in the financial sector. 

Apryse WebViewer: Your Key to Modernization 

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Why WebViewer? 

One of the key advantages of Apryse WebViewer is its holistic integration. It seamlessly integrates across various platforms, including browsers, internal tools, mobile apps, Salesforce, and SharePoint, thanks to its JavaScript PDF library. This ensures that users can access the functionality they need, regardless of their preferred platform. 

Despite its name, WebViewer offers much more than mere document viewing. It boasts over 35 annotations, document generation functionality, and direct editing capabilities, making it a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of financial service needs. 

Unparalleled Data Security 

Data security is paramount - Apryse WebViewer's client-side processing provides a distinct advantage by ensuring that no data is transferred to external clouds. This means that sensitive financial data remains within the company's own systems, safeguarding it against potential breaches. 

A One-Stop Document Solution 

Financial services rely heavily on documents, ranging from credit applications to digital receipts. Apryse WebViewer streamlines and secures the handling of these documents in various formats, including PDF and DOCX. This simplifies document management and ensures that financial institutions can operate efficiently and securely. 

Learn how Apryse's PDF/A solutions are helping financial institutions maintain compliance and improve electronic document archiving. Read the blog.

See It in Action 

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To truly appreciate the power of Apryse WebViewer, one only needs to look at real-world examples. Billion-dollar companies like First Business Bank are leading the way in embracing rapid digital transformation. In our latest webinar, we showcase how industry leaders are leveraging core features of WebViewer, such as: 

1. File Compatibility 

WebViewer seamlessly fetches documents from local storage or popular cloud solutions like Amazon S3 or OneDrive. It then renders these documents client-side, speeding up processes while maintaining top-notch security. 

2. Features Tailored for Finance 

Real-time collaboration streamlines loan applications, form-filling enhances user experience, and functionalities like DOCX editing, user permissions customization, and PDF text editing offer unmatched flexibility for financial professionals. 

3. The Security Blanket 

WebViewer excels in security, with clear differentiation between e-signatures and digital signatures. It also offers a powerful redaction feature to permanently erase confidential information, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected. 

Have more questions about WebViewer? Check out our comprehensive buying guide.

Embracing the Future of Finance 

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In conclusion, Apryse WebViewer is more than just a tool; it represents the future of document processing in the financial sector. As the industry continues its journey towards digitization and operational improvement, solutions like WebViewer are essential. They bring security, efficiency, and adaptability to the table, enabling financial institutions, whether they are fintech startups or traditional banks, to embark on the path to digital excellence. 


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