COMING SOON: Spring 2025 Release
By Conrad Presch | 2024 Aug 16
3 min
docx editor
ui customization
Summary: Review & approval workflows in DOCX, precise printing of complex PDFs, and a streamlined approach to Fluent and WebViewer's UIs round out our summer 2024 releases.
Our summer releases of WebViewer 10.11 and Fluent 24.2.0 bring you a suite of powerful new features. DOCX Track Changes introduces a smooth review and approval experiences that's interoperable with Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Achieve precise, accurate printing of technical drawings and complex PDFs with sharp details with our improved embedded printing option. Plus, enjoy a double UI feature with a simplified Fluent UI and our new modular UI beta for WebViewer. Watch the release video for a detailed walkthrough or dive into the blogs below to explore these updates further.
The global standard for review and approval is now available within your web application. Empower users to flow through documents either by clicking on suggested changes or by using the review mode panel. Suggested changes track across Microsoft Word and Google Docs, creating a truly interoperable review & approval experience.
(users can accept/reject changes by clicking on them in-line or by using the review mode panel for a walkthrough experience)
WebViewer offers two different printing options, rasterized and embedded. Embedded printing passes a document directly to the browser to print, bypassing our default rasterization process. While rasterization has its advantages, embedded printing preserves vectors, fonts, and other precise details that are necessary in technical drawings and similar complex documents.
Enable embedded printing using the useEmbeddedPrint API.
.then(function(instance) {
Consolidated into a single tab, the Fluent Designer tool has become remarkably easy to use. Inspired by Microsoft’s design language, Fluent has been refreshed with new iconography and an organized layout. Users will spend less time enabling on the tool and more time working on your beautiful templates.
Buttons, headers, panels, and flyouts have become modular components that can be easily customized and assembled. With accessibility becoming paramount in modern design, create bespoke user experiences that branch from WebViewer’s worldclass ingenuity.
(Create a new UI in minutes with simple changes to these components)
Learn more about Apryse's PDF and DOCX editing capabilities and document generation solutions. Connect with a solutions expert in real time on the Apryse Discord channel.
docx editor
ui customization
Conrad Presch
Product Marketing Manager
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